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More on: The Big Picture

Affairs: The Big Picture


The Genie is out of the bottle?

The banks sustain their wealth over the masses of people by constantly inventing new money skimming devices.

People who ....


Please watch this space, for it will soon be incredibly interesting!.

Meanwhile, please enjoy other web sites also .... The National GalleryThe TateThe Louvre, and Getty Images




Source References

The background information to any of the main articles will appear here and will remain in context.

The Four Horsemen

Part of the culture of peoples are the economics, and reflected in the economics, at the attitudes within the peoples of nations.

The following perhaps illustrates eome of the most powerful influence in presnt day political topography of the world

Continuing with the same story

A more complette history of how we arrived at 'Fractional Reserve Banking'

So we have it, wealth, power, and war.

One does well if onue bears in mind the features of the European Union when ythinking about these factors ...